The Balancing Act of Motherhood
Trying to balance my life can be a struggle, though sometimes the best things in life are worth the fight.
Oct 16, 2010
Saving Your Sanity
I have this blog, and typing in here helps me quite a bit, but there are also times that I just need to vent.  I think we all have been there, and we vent in different ways.  For me, I keep a journal.  I use to write it down, but then the kids get into the paper and either read it or use up the notebook with whatever they need it for.  So now I do it all on the computer.

Typing in my journal saves my sanity.  In there, I can say what I really want to say.  I don't need to worry about others reading it and getting offended.  It's something about seeing my feeling put into words and then being able to reread it when I need to, that makes me relax.  I tend to dwell on the things that I can't change and typing it all out just puts my mind to rest.  Talking to friends and venting to them is nice, but it doesn't have the same soothing effect on me that typing does.  These past couple of days have been a bit stressful for me, but thanks to my journal, it made it easier to deal with it all.

Why do I dwell?  I do it mostly to try to figure out the problem, or at the very least the reason behind the problem to begin with.  If it's money, I dwell on how to fix it, if it's the house, well then I dwell on what I can do to repair it.  There are many things and people that I tend to dwell on and it seems that after a while, they get all tangled up inside my brain and then the stress comes.  To me, everything is like a problem that needs to be figured out.  When I can stop dwelling on something, then the answer usually comes to me.

So if you are like me and just need to get things off your chest, then I would recommend a journal.  It's better than any Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter.  You don't have to listen to other people that got offended and yet you still feel like you vented, but you did so without stepping on toes.

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