At the time it could be hard, easy, or just plain wrong. Not to mention that the sent lingers on sometimes long after it has come to pass. It also is not as bad to you as it sometimes is for other people.
My past comes with the stories, just as most peoples do. Some is common knowledge and others are just not spoken about. For me though, I have tried to not let my future be brought down by my past. I don't see the reason to bring it up or to use it as an excuse for my actions of today. I have heard the idea that the past is what makes you who you are today. I don't believe that. I think it is the knowledge that you gained from the past and how you use that information that makes you who you are.
Now, just because I have moved on from the past, it doesn't mean that others have. It is those others that bring up the past and throw it back into my face. They try to whip me with it and think that it will have the same effect on me like it did when I was young. They were wrong. I have found that when you let the past be, and accept what has happened, you can be more content in your future. Now let there be no misunderstanding here, I am not saying everything is not my fault. What I am trying to get across is that you can't change the past so let it go and learn from it.
Those others that I was talking about earlier, I feel like they haven't moved on from their past. They act the same way at their age now that they did when they were 16. They throw insults at me like a monkey flinging crap. Why do they do that? I will take part in that yet again, I am partly to blame. I stepped on their toes and stood up to them for what I believe. I have noticed that most people would just blow me off and call me a b*tch at most. Not them. It must of been hard to hear the truth in my logic, or some other reason unknown to me, for what they did was lash out onto me even more. I was called every name in the book and I also were told half truths as if they would hurt me. I stood up to them anyway. I don't care what they think of me. The only reason why I am posting this in the first place is because I want you all to know how I think of my life.
Like I said before, I try to not focus on the past. When I am old and gray, I won't be looking back on the things that others have said to try to hurt me. Nor will I want to remember the times of agony and sorrow. I have so much that I want to pass on but those are not any of them. Instead, I want to remember my daughter telling me that I should open a restaurant because she loves my cooking. How about remembering Ethan picking on me so that way I will tickle him? There are so many good memories in my life and I know there are going to be plenty more to come. I know my life is not going to be an easy journey, but it will be the happy times that I will try to focus on the most.
The best part of being content and happy in my life is this, if I am happy, so are my children!! The second best part is that my happiness seems to really piss off the other people!!